Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Moving to Hawaii - Transplanting from the Mainland to Oahu

A hot topic on recent occasions, the conversation of moving to the Hawaii. Here is my take on the subject.

Hawaii is arguably one of the most beautiful places on earth. There are many reasons to live in Hawaii that are easy to see. Unfortunately there are many reasons not to live in Hawaii as well. Here is a list of pro's and cons based on my sole opinion.


Climate - Hawaii has really only one season, sunny. Mild weather year round. During the winter months temps will drop only 5 to 10 degrees compared with summer months. We tend to get a little more rain during the "winter" months as well. I've always enjoyed being at the beach in December and imagining what people in the mainland are doing.

Beaches - Hawaii's beaches often come up as the "most beautiful beaches" in the world. Growing up near the cold and nasty beaches of California, I've learned to love Hawaii's beaches. Hawaii's beaches are warm, clean, and beautiful.

The People - I consider Hawaii to have some of the most beautiful people (inside and out). People in Hawaii tend to be more laid back and easy going, quite the opposite of people in the San Francisco, LA, and New York regions. Locals rarely honk their horns. Locals still say "thank you" and "you're welcome", we smile often, give Shakas when someone lets you into their lane, and the generosity of the locals is something unseen anywhere else. I can go on and on of the beautiful qualities of residents of the islands.

Food - Living on Oahu, one has access to some great eats. This is coming from someone who has gotten fat living in LA, Orange County, San Diego, and the San Francisco Bay Area. From the fresh fish, to the plate lunches, to the pacific rim cuisine, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Everyone knows Everyone - We would joke and say instead of six degrees of separation, Hawaii has two degrees. It can be very beneficial "knowing everyone" when you need help or favors. Even on Oahu, it still has a bit of a smaller community feeling and the community will often come together for certain causes and what not.

Outdoorsman's Dream - Aside from the beaches, Hawaii offers world class hikes, waterfalls, rainforests, hunting, horseback riding, fishing, surfing, and more. The mild climate along with the beautiful scenery makes Hawaii a wonderland for those that love to play outdoors.


Cost of Living in Paradise - Perhaps the biggest drawback to living in Hawaii is the combination of higher cost of living coupled with lower wages. Many residents must cut their spending, get second jobs, and/or live with parents/roommates in order to make ends meet. I find housing costs to be comparable to San Francisco yet wages tend to be about 35% lower than that of the San Francisco Bay Area. Electricity bills for example, tend to be more than double that of the Bay Area. Then factor in the fact that nearly everything is shipped to Hawaii causing higher prices, making ends meet in the 808 state can be difficult.

Physical Limitations aka Rock Fever aka Island Fever - Many people are concerned with the feeling of being trapped on an island or not being able to hop in a car and take a long road trip. That being said, I personally have never had this feeling or concern. Oahu is a roughly five hour flight from California, eight hours from Korea/Japan, and only a thirty minute flight from some neighbor islands. Most people I know who live in New York, LA, or San Francisco rarely if ever leave their little 20 mile radius even though they do have the ability to hop in a car and do so. Unless you're jet setting around or are a true road warrior, living on an island probably won't effect you too much.

Everyone knows everyone - Yes, you are correct. This topic was just listed above as a pro but it can definitely be a con as well. That ex boyfriend of girlfriend is always around. That person you fought last week is friends with all your friends. You got drunk and stupid last Saturday night, well it's a good chance your family or friends will hear about it. There are definately two sides to this coin.

Food - Yet again, this topic was just listed under the Pro's above. I love the local Hawaii food. Trouble is we have horrible Mexican food. To be honest we have a rather small percentage of Mexicans on the island, thus terrible Mexican food. As a rather large and wide man, I've learned to enjoy a true diversity of foods. God help you when you are craving Indian, Middle Eastern, or any other non-asian, exotic food. These are just some of the bigger pro's and con's to come to mind.

Race relations - This is a touchy subject. Hawaii is very diverse and in my opinion no more racist that other locations but there is a catch. I have met some white people that have felt that the locals are racist towards white people. That said I have met more white folks that do not feel any racism. My opinion is this, it is hard to deny the idea of "white privilege" in America. If you come to Hawaii understanding and appreciating that white people are not the majority in Hawaii and respect the people around you, my honest opinion is you will do fine. If you walk around with a sense of privilege that you should simply be accepted by everyone and do as you please, you will probably not be welcomed with open arms. I was taught you "give respect, you get respect".

I always suggest to those that are considering moving to Hawaii, come stay for a few weeks. Don't just stay in Waikiki or the Aulani, but go live as the locals do and see what they see. Hope this helps.

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